2011년 2월 17일 목요일


진행시 잘모르겠으면 산학협력단 특허 관련 담당자(이아영:5086) 에게 물어보면 됩니다.

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2009년 9월 20일 일요일

Samba server on Ubuntu 9.04

#refrence site

just following the reference site directions

what I did

$sudo apt-get install samba
$sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

modify next option

workgroup = Workgroup
dos charset = CP949
display charset = UTF8
unix charset = UTF8
server string = servername(whatever you want)
hosts allow = 'IP which you want to allow to access the samba server'
security = user

[park] - the name of the folder which is showing to the network.
comment = homefolder(whatever you want)
path = /home/park/
read only = no
browsable = yes
writable = yes

$sudo smbpasswd -a park
// will ask you the 'new SMB passwd:'
// 'park' is the account name on your samba server
// setting the password of the account

$sudo vim /etc/samba/smbusers
park = 'administrator'
// 'park' is the samba server account name
// 'administrator' is the windows account name(assume the client is windows)
// save and quit the vim.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

[how to connect (from client)]

on windows Machine

'start' - 'run' \\samba server ip
ask your account name and password
put your sambaserver account and passwd

on Linux Machine

1. direct connect like ftp

# smbclient -L localhost(or Server IP) -N (check the share list on samba server )
# smbclient //Server IP/myhome ; ( myhome folder in Samba server(Server IP) smbclient //server IP/myhome -U username ; conncet as username(account)

2. mount

# smbmount //Server IP/myhome /mnt/samba -o username=park
(mount the 'myhome' folder as the useraccount 'park')

I tried above one, but it doesn't work, so I googled it, and found another way

#mount -t cifs //Server IP/myhome /mnt/smb_share -o username=park
('myhome' is the sharing name on samba server, and you should make target mount folder first!!. in here '/mnt/smb_share')

Ubuntu install on Samsung Desktop(DM-V75)

If you want to install Ubuntu or other Linux on Samsung Desktop,
you might encounter next message.

' BIOS bug, local APIC #0 not detected!'
bios bug #?????? MP timer error~~ and APIC etc.
'noapic' option~~
and 'pnpbios=off' blar~~ '

if you have a fortune, you success pass that message
you might see the '(initramfs)' prompt.

what the hek of the Samsung Desktop
Almost waste of one full day.

Let's see how to solve.
as always does, solution is easy. just for the people who know.

At the install screen - Ubuntu 9.04
F6 - to choose the optional mode
possible option

"acpi=off noapic nolapic pnpbios=off irqpoll xforcevesa"

among them I used them all, except 'noapic xforcevesa'
could be making another combination.
I'm not exactly sure but, I might use
'acpi=off noapic pnpbios=off irqpoll'

if you installed succesfully, don't be flattered yet.
check the network, in my case,
I setup the all network properties, but couldn't reach the internet.

so finally I re-installed with one less option.

#reference site - could be helpful.

2009년 8월 18일 화요일

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